Baton Rouge: Chinese Shar-Pei Breeders
Below is a sample search of our Chinese Shar-Pei breeders with puppies for sale. The search tool above returns a list of breeders located nearest to the zip or postal code you enter. From there you can see photos of their pups, find detailed information on their web page and contact them by e-mail, phone and even get driving directions.
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Important: has not screened the listed breeders and accepts no responsibility for their reputation or quality. It is your responsibility to investigate. See How to Find a Dog.
Ruff-Cut Chinese Shar-Pei
Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs,Stud Service,Rescue
My first Pei I got as a rescue back in 1989. I have been involved in the breed ever since, attempting to breed for health, conformation, & temperament, being one of 2 breeders my vet recommends.
RickettsHill Kennel
Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs,Stud Service
I have been involved with the Chinese Shar-Pei since 1983. I have actively been showing and breeding since then. I breed for healthy dogs & for excellent temperament and after that for conformation
Services: Puppies,Stud Service
JUNE 7, 2019. NEW LITTER!! AKC Brush coat. Males/Females. Placed with vet exam, utd shots and worming, written health guarantee. We do not ship our puppies. Please inquire for details.
Sentry Kennels
Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs,Stud Service
Sentry Kennels has been a conscientious & responsible breeder of Shar-Pei for over 35 years. Our goal is breeding to the Standard with health & temperament being our focus.