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Connecticut: Collie Breeders

Below is a sample search of our Collie breeders with puppies for sale. The search tool above returns a list of breeders located nearest to the zip or postal code you enter. From there you can see photos of their pups, find detailed information on their web page and contact them by e-mail, phone and even get driving directions.

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Important: has not screened the listed breeders and accepts no responsibility for their reputation or quality. It is your responsibility to investigate. See How to Find a Dog.

Brookwood Collies, Rough & Smooth

Danville, PA, 17821

Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs

Brookwood Collies is a farm family working together to provide you with the most loving friend you will ever have! We DNA test our pups and Adults for CEA, MDR1, DM, PRArcd2 & CN. All colors available

Val Hi Collies

Conneaut Lake, PA, 16316

Services: Puppies,Stud Service

Beautiful collies with champion lines, excellent temperment, eyes checked and health guarantee. We have bred collies for over 40 years.


ALLEN, MI, 49227

Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs,Stud Service


Holbrook Scotch Collies

Leesville, SC, 29070

Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs,Stud Service

Breeding old style collie types. Soft biddable natures, beautiful looks, medium size. Pups are holistically raised on our farm.

Goodwin Collies

Wilmington, IL, 60481

Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs,Stud Service

Breeder of genetically tested and health guaranteed Rough Collies. We breed to the Collie Standard, and we often have show prospects available, who can also serve as wonderful family pets.

Jacqueline Francesconi

Union, IL, 60180

Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs,Stud Service,Rescue

Breeder of Rough & Smooth Collies. Have all colors. Breeding the true big collie. Breeding first & foremost the health of the collie & temperament & Normal eyes We have show quality puppies & pet

Matrix Collies

Nevada, IA, 50201

Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs,Stud Service

Stud Dog available - Matrix New Day of Liberty - Lincoln. MDR1 negative - Owner is a CCA Member Tri-color He is pointed with one major. Please serious inquiries only References required

McG Shepherds Plus

Port Saint Lucie, FL, 34984

Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs,Stud Service,Rescue

Rough collie pups from AKC Champion bloodlines usually available. Various colors. Retired show dogs for adoption occasionally. Smooth collie pups also available occasionally. Grooming lessons too.

Tairis Collies

Fort Worth, TX, 76108

Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs

Tairis Collies-fancier/hobby breeder striving for beautiful,healthy collies for show & companionship. Puppies available occasionally from top quality lines.

Divine Collies

Waco, TX, 76705

Services: Adult Dogs

One older adult male Champion Smooth Coated retired Show Collie to place in a loving forever home. Fenced yard is a MUST. Will NOT ship! Fantastic pedigree. Possibly at NO COST to the perfect home.


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