Find Siberian Husky breeders with puppies for sale near Johnstown-Altoona


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Johnstown-Altoona: Siberian Husky Breeders

Below is a sample search of our Siberian Husky breeders with puppies for sale. The search tool above returns a list of breeders located nearest to the zip or postal code you enter. From there you can see photos of their pups, find detailed information on their web page and contact them by e-mail, phone and even get driving directions.

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Important: has not screened the listed breeders and accepts no responsibility for their reputation or quality. It is your responsibility to investigate. See How to Find a Dog.

Jalerran Siberians

Clarion, PA, 16214

Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs,Stud Service

Champion-sired pups- vet-checked, vaccinated, well-socialized and de-wormed before they are placed with their new families. They receive their first doses of preventatives. 5 year health guarantee.

Meluzina Siberians

Hibernia, NJ, 07842

Services: Puppies

We operate a small family kennel. Our dogs participate in a variety of sports, including conformation, Fast CAT, CAT, and agility. Occasionally, we breed a litter of puppies.


Easton, MA, 02334

Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs

Siberian breeder for more than 55 years. Member of SHCA, Yankee Siberian Husky Club and Hockamock Kennel Club. Produce quality dogs for show and performance with more than 70 champions and sled dogs.

Kristie’s Husky Haven

Sanbornton, NH, 03269

Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs,Stud Service

I am a Siberian Husky and Pomsky breeder. I love huskies and their breed traits. I provide quality Husky and Pomsky pups making health, temperament, structure, & beauty my main objective in breeding.

Powdermist Siberians, llc.

Lyndonville, VT, 05851

Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs,Rescue



Baxter, TN, 38544

Services: Puppies

PUPS AVAILABLE NOW !!! AKC bred for quality and temperment. We have Spacious, Clean Kennels. Shipping available. Taking Deposits. I have the best pups anywhere. I just dare you to come see !!!

Baerpaws Siberians

Edelstein, IL, 61526

Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs

Welcome to Baerpaws Siberians where we love our AKC registered Siberians first, and breed them second! Please visit our website for more information.

Sunshine's Siberians

Columbia, MO, 65203

Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs,Stud Service,Rescue

Born: 2/22 1 b&w or grey and white boy10/21 4 boys, 2 b&w 1 pbald 3 girls 2 b&w 1 g&w5/21 w boys 1 wh, 1 b&w2/21 1 Pbald boyfall 2020 pure wh boysBlue eyes.Wormed fr 3-4 wks.Shots fr 6-9 wks

Siberians of WildHeart

Union, MS, 39365

Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs

UKC,Akc,Ckc dual registered puppies available.Located in Union Mississippi. I have bred traditional and non traditional Siberian Huskies since 1986 and have some of the oldest bloodlines in existence.

Kingdom Kennel

Gloster, MS, 39638

Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs,Stud Service

We have puppies available from Champion bloodlines both in AKC and CKC REGISTRATION. Visit us @

DeSari Siberians

gilmer, TX, 75645

Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs,Stud Service,Rescue

We are a small show breeder located in East Texas offering pet and show puppies. Our Siberian huskies are active in the conformation ring. All are OFA/CERF clear of and health defects.

Mirage Siberians

Gladewater, TX, 75647

Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs

AVAILABLE PUPPIES Small show Breeder/Exhibitor. Dedicated to breeding happy healthy well socialized puppies. Puppies available on occasion. Health/Genetic Guar. Parents are OFA/ACVO Certified

Zuska Siberians

Joseph, OR, 97846

Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs,Stud Service,Rescue

Show kennel located in northeast Oregon. Our AKC Siberian Huskies are bred to be equally at home in the ring, on the trail or on the couch.Puppies available now!

Anastasia Siberians

Madera, CA, 93638

Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs,Stud Service,Rescue

Breeder and exhibitor for over thirty years. We produce quality puppies, true to type and of excellent temperament. Fully guaranteed, vet checked with microchip/shots/worming included. Available now!

Acme Kennels

Fairbanks, AK, 99701

Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs

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