Too busy for a fulltime pet? Rent-a-dog!

Dog rentals have grown in popularity for busy people

The rent-a-pet concept has grown worldwide in recent years, despite disapproval from some animal rights advocates. Those in favor of the practice say it helps people understand dogs and learn how to treat them properly.

Dog lovers short on time or space say that renting dogs is a good interim solution until they’re able to commit to a permanent canine companion. Organizations that rent dogs to others feel that people often don’t understand all the work involved in caring for a pet, and their rental solution helps people understand what’s involved in caring for a dog.

Some rescue groups even use the rent-a-pet type program to help with fostering rescues. Not a bad idea, as it helps the dogs and helps potential foster carers decide whether they have what it takes to foster or adopt a dog.

Opponents say it’s mean to pass a dog around amongst temporary families, when they deserve a forever home. Advocates say it improves people’s understanding of dogs and offers a solution where some dogs would otherwise be homeless or euthanized. What do you think?

Background checks for cloned dog parents?

A recent story in the International Herald-Tribune notes that Bernann McKinney, the first commercial dog cloning client, is the same woman who, in the 1970’s jumped bail after kidnapping a Mormon missionary and making him her sex slave.  The cloning company, RNL Bio, has no problem with this, and does not plan to do any background checks on future clients.

Continue reading Background checks for cloned dog parents?

Robot cleans up dog hair

There’s a new robot on the market, designed specifically to clean up pet hair.  A new level of housekeeping technology, or is it “for the dogs”?

iRobot Corporation, the makers of the Roomba robot vacuum cleaner, have just introduced the Roomba Pet vacuuming robot. It’s designed to pick up hair and other stuff left behind by pets, with a large sweeper bin to hold lots of Fido-fur and special cleaning tools to clean hair and dander from the brushes.

At nearly $400 it may not be a bargain, but for someone continually challenged by the amount of dog hair around the house it might be just the thing!  It could also be a cool gift for any dog owners who are also “gadget geek” that love to have the latest electronic devices.

Robot-vacuum specially designed to deal with dog hair