Tuesday’s Top Ten: Dog Movies

Coming soon to a theater near you (or maybe already there):  Hotel for Dogs, Beverly Hills Chihuahua, and (I can’t wait!) Marley & Me. 

To pass the time waiting for Marley to be released, I thought I’d take a stab at listing the top ten dog movies ever.  Keep in mind, I’m a little warped and do NOT appreciate sappy endings, but feel free to tell me which ones I should have included on this list.

Continue reading Tuesday’s Top Ten: Dog Movies

Saturday Survey: Would You Make Your Own Dog Food

I have recently begun the process of switching my dogs to homemade food after reading some of the ingredient labels on commercial dog food.  (See the first part of our series on canine nutrition here.)

My friends are getting a kick out of this because my kids live on pizza and fast food, but I’m worried about what the dogs eat!

So, what do you readers think about homemade dog food?

Continue reading Saturday Survey: Would You Make Your Own Dog Food