New Blog Editor

Hello, readers!  My name is Beth (a/k/a The Dog Lady), and I have been asked to begin blogging on, so I  thought I’d start by telling you a bit about myself and the dogs I have known. 

I grew up with a beautiful tri-color collie named Lady.  A sweeter dog has never been born.  We got her when I was about 6 years old, and she passed after I had left for college, so I cannot imagine any part of my childhood without her.  Even though I have 5 human brothers and sisters, Lady was my best pal.  Seems like I was the one she always woke up at night when she had to go outside. 

Now that I’m grown and have my own kids, we have developed quite a menagerie.  In addition to three kids and two cats, we now have four dogs!  My oldest is Maggie, a 7-year old golden retriever.  When we got Maggie, we already had 2 or 3 dogs, but I really wanted a golden – the quintessential family dog.  One day, while we were driving through Amish Country in Ohio, we found a sign for a breeder, and stopped in, just to see what he had.  He met us at the door with, “I’m sorry – we don’t have any puppies right now.” 

“Perfect,” I said.  “We just got new carpet.  Would you happen to have any older dogs for sale?”

As it turns out, Maggie (then four years old) had been bred twice, but had never been able to bring down enough milk for her pups, so to a breeder, she wasn’t worth much.  So, we loaded her into the car for a bargain basement price and took her home to meet the kids.  She is so patient with them, and believe me, my kids are wild!

Next in line is Kayla, a mixed breed (probably shepherd and either chow or huskie – she’s got the curled tail).  She is five years old, but we’ve had her since she was a pup.  We got her the day BEFORE we found out we were getting a new foster infant.  I’d never do that again!  Kayla was my “out of mourning” dog after we lost our foxhound Molly to cancer.  We got her from a lady who takes in strays and had Kayla’s mom as a pregnant drop-off in the middle of the night. 

Third in line is 2-year old Cooper, a beautiful Vizsla from a breeder in Southern Ohio.  We drove about 5 hours each way to pick him up because we just had to have a Vizsla after being introduced to the breed at a relative’s house.  He is very active, and his best trick is holding down the picnic table whenever he’s in the back yard.  It’s his favorite perch – he can see the whole neighborhood.  No doubt mapping out his route for the next time the kids leave the gate open.


Last, but certainly not least, is my baby Beagle, Penny Layne.  She stands up pretty well, considering all the other dogs in the house weigh at least 3 times more than she does.  My middle son, who is autistic, has really taken to Penny.  I think we will train her for agility so Jimmy can work with her – it would be good for both of them!

So, that’s a little bit about the craziness that is my life.  I hope to share lots of stories with you through this blog.  I’ll be doing about five posts a week, so check back often.  I’ll do the surfing to find all the wild, wacky, funny, serious, and helpful information you need to know.  Between this blog, the rest of, and, you’ll have a full resource for everything dogs!

Good day and good dog!


Best Friends

Are you really taking good care of your dog? Let’s not forget that they’re totally dependent on us for their food, shelter, health and well-being. We took them away from nature and made pets out of them, and in doing so, we let them forget how to survive on their own. Let’s never forget that a dog is like a little baby, needing us through their entire lives. Continue reading Best Friends

All’s Well that Ends Well

About 25 years ago there was a wonderful series on public TV called All Creatures Great and Small based on the experiences of James Harriot, a country vet in the Yorkshire Dales in 1930’s England… a thoroughly enjoyable series of anecdotes of his relationships with his co-workers and his clients, a proud lot of very poor, extremely hard working farmers. I don’t recall anything on TV in years that can match it for genuine warmth and its testimony to how magnificent human nature can be.

Let me share one little gem with you… Continue reading All’s Well that Ends Well

Great Doggie Quotations

I’ve been collecting dog quotations. Thought I’d share a few clever ones with you:

  • If dogs could talk it would take a lot of fun out of owning one. – Andy Rooney
  • You can say any foolish thing to a dog, and the dog will give you a look that says, ‘My God, you’re right! I never would’ve thought of that!’ – Dave Barry
  • The great pleasure of a dog is that you make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, he will make a fool of himself too. – Samuel Butler
  • If you think dogs can’t count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then giving Fido only two of them. – Phil Pastoret
  • The more I see of men the more I like dogs. – Madame de Stael
  • Ever consider what dogs must think of us? I mean, here we come back from a grocery store with the most amazing haul — chicken, pork, half a cow. They must think we’re the greatest hunters on earth! – Anne Tyler
  • Don’t make the mistake of treating your dogs like humans, or they’ll treat you like dogs. – Martha Scott
  • There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face. – Ben Williams
  • I’ve seen a look in dogs’ eyes, a quickly vanishing look of amazed contempt, and I am convinced that dogs think humans are nuts. – John Steinbeck

Quick Relief Tips for Pet Allergies

Lots of people have pet allergies. Several strategies can help to reduce the incidence of allergic reactions due to pet dander. Simply follow as many of these as you can as often as you can for the best results. After all, if you can’t breathe, who is going to take care of your pets?

  • Vacuum carpets and furniture on a daily basis.
  • Vacuum curtains on a regular basis.
  • Dust with a cloth that picks up the dust and doesn’t just move it around.
  • Avoid upholstered furniture, curtains, and carpeting. Opt for furniture with leather, vinyl, or wood. Install hardwood flooring and blinds.
  • Brush your pets on a regular basis, preferably outside the living area.
  • Wipe down all surfaces on a weekly basis.
  • Consult your veterinarian about sprays that minimize dander. Purchase ones that he recommends.
  • Limit the areas of the home that your pet has access to on a daily basis. Electronic collars can assist with that.
  • Get an animal that is known for causing fewer allergic reactions in people.
  • Purchase an air purification system that targets animal dander.

 If you want to have pets in your home, but you are allergic to their dander, follow the strategies listed for some relief to the potential reactions that you might experience. Plus, visit your doctor and get his advice on the advisability of owning a pet that can cause allergic reactions in you.


Eco-Friendly Dog Activities

There are a lot of great “green” activities you can do with your dog. Hiking is one example, as long as you follow the tenets of “leave no trace”. In other words, don’t leave doggy-doo, litter, or trampled and broken plants.

Here are some other suggestions for keeping your dog green:

  1. Research your dog’s leash options. Retractable leashes are great for travel since you can keep your dog close to you, or let them run. Further, some leash designers offer eco-friendly options such as recycled vintage leashes.
  2. Wherever you go, bring something to collect doggy-doo. Bags that conveniently clip onto retractable leashes are one option. Further to that, there are now “compostable” bags that have much less environmental impact than regular plastic bags.
  3. Investigate local guides that may reveal cool places to take your dog.

Scottish Crackdown on Bad Dog Owners

In an article from The Herald, a Scottish plan to crack down on irresponsible dog owners who let their pets run dangerously rampant has met with positive response. Alex Neil, an SNP backbencher received about 100 responses to his proposed Control of Dogs Bill, which calls for a new approach. Under the new proposal dog owners could be liable to pay up to £5,000 (about $9,723 US dollars) for injury or damage, with the most severe penalties for more serious cases being unlimited fines and up to two years in jail.

The proposed law is meant to operate as a preventive, enabling control orders to be issued to owners of dangerous animals. The orders could require muzzling, re-homing the dog, or owners being required to attend dog-training courses.

Mr. Neil’s approach is to shift focus from the dogs to the owners, as he feels the owners should be held responsible for their dogs. Current legislation focuses more on specific breeds and he said this has not made the public safer.

“There is a minority of dog owners out there who are simply not responsible with their dogs, and we need ways to act against them,” said Mr. Neil.

Man’s Best Friend Shows Off

Stylin\' Doggy Duds at Just Dogs! Fashion Show
Canine fashion show promotes awareness of organizations

By Tara Bozick – Victoria Advocate

At the Just Dogs! fashion show at the Victoria Mall on Saturday, fifteen dogs modeled outfits to promote awareness for organizations that help dogs. Lexie and Koda, known as a teddy bear breed, showed off their bridesmaid and best man ensembles to the audience while children reached up to pet their heads.

Lexie and Koda’s owner Tina Montgomery brought four dogs to the fashion show, dressing them up as bride and groom, in swimsuits and as rockers.

Owner of Just Dogs!, Will Cleveland ordered wedding gowns and tuxedos for the second annual show. He hopes the hundreds who gathered to see the cute puppies noticed the organizations that encourage spaying and neutering.

“We’ve got too many dogs that don’t have a home now,” Cleveland said.

Dog Wash for Surgery

Carol Kopszywa, owner of Nikki, a four-month-old Siberian Husky is not going to let her pup be put to sleep or lose the chance for a full life with a truly caring owner. At about 9 weeks of age, Nikki was diagnosed with a congenital disorder that will require a $4,000 operation without which her life expectancy is only about 6 to 12 months.

Carol Kopszywa, a resident of Ocean Springs, Mississippi, wondered if people would care enough to help Nikki have a chance to live a full life. We are thrilled to report people do. The owners of Bayview Pet Medical Center held a dog-wash fundraiser for Nikki on Saturday and raised nearly $500.

Nikki’s condition causes her blood to bypass the liver where toxins are normally filtered out. The result is her blood fills with toxins that cause further liver damage and neurologic injury. She will be taken to the LSU School of Veterinarian Medicine in Baton Rouge for surgery.

Donations to help with Nikki’s medical costs can be sent to the Bayview Pet Medical and Dental Center at 1319 Bienville Blvd, Ocean Springs, MS 39564. Phone (228) 872-4424‎.