Is Your Dog Mentally Ill?

Most of us are pretty quick to realize when our dogs need medical care when the cause is physical such as a cut or a difficult birth.  But have you ever stopped to consider your dog’s mental health?  At my house, the biggest mental health issue we have is my Golden’s fear of thunderstorms.  I always know when a storm is brewing because she lands dead center on my back while I am sleeping.  (All 75 pounds of her, flying through the air and landing with a WHUMP! on top of me, making me very glad we got her.)

  Continue reading Is Your Dog Mentally Ill?

Tuesday Top Ten: Dog Training Tips

Training a new puppy, or even an older dog, may be the most exasperating thing you’ve ever done, but the payoff is huge.  Properly trained, your dog will be safer, more lovable, and able to handle visits from friends, and your home will be intact!  So, here are our top ten training tips to make your and your dog’s lives more enjoyable!  (Incidentally, these tips work equally well with your children, but we can’t vouch for how they will work on your spouse.)

  Continue reading Tuesday Top Ten: Dog Training Tips

Laika- A Dog, Our First Astronaut

Earth's First Astronaut
Earth's First Astronaut

51 years ago today Russia launched Sputnik II, with a very special ‘pilot’. Laika was the first mammal to ever orbit our planet. Sadly, she passed away upon re-entry into the earth’s atmosphere in 1958. Cruelty or Hero? There isn’t a wrong opinion. This was 1958, a different way of life, a different set of values.

What’s important is now, in 2008 we remember Laika. This flight changed the world and paved the way to a new age of exploration and discovery thanks to a special four-legged hero.

Training Dogs at the Aquarium????

The Chicago Tribune is reporting on a new program at the Shedd Aquarium.  Trainers at the aquarium were getting bored after their whales, dolphins, and other sea critters were sent out of town due to the Oceanarium pavilion being closed for refurbishing.  The trainers went out to animal rescue centers and brought six dogs back to the aquarium to demonstrate that mammal training techniques can be equally effective in training house pets. Continue reading Training Dogs at the Aquarium????

More Dog-Related Political News

Michelle Obama recently announced that the family plans on adopting a rescue dog once their lives settle down after the election.  We have previously blogged about the fact that the McCains live with a houseful of pets, while the Obamas have none.  They had considered getting a Golden Doodle because one of their daughters suffers from allergies. 

Continue reading More Dog-Related Political News

Where are all the dogs in Toronto?

Using public information from the dog licensing bureau in Toronto, blogger Patrick Cain of the Toronto Star, came up with a map, by postal code, of per capita dog registrations for the city.  You can see the whole map here:


Part 2 of the series looked at where the 20 most popular breeds were located.  These maps are located here:


Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!