Tuesday’s Top Ten: Dog Songs

This week’s top ten topic:  Top Ten Dog Songs.  I’ve tried to hit many genres here, but I’m sure I’ve missed some.  The order in which I’ve ranked them probably has more to do with my personal tastes than with anything about musical skill, but many of these are classics.  Do you have a favorite song about your best friend?  Send us a comment below and let us know!

  Continue reading Tuesday’s Top Ten: Dog Songs

Podcasts for Pets

Have you visited PetLifeRadio.com yet?  It is a collection of podcasts about all kinds of animals, as well as some blogs you may be interested in.  You can directly stream or download the ‘casts, or you can pick them up for free on iTunes.  A few recent topics include making sure all the animals in your managerie get along with each other and having fun while training your dog. 

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!