Since I’ve been home recovering from surgery for the past few days, I’ve gotten to watch NBC’s Today Show for more than the first five minutes or so. They are running a series on the hosts trying out new things. For example, today, they took art lessons and “learned” how to paint a nude! Monday and Tuesday, the feature was the hosts showing dogs at Westminster. If you’re not a handler, you may have never imagined how hard it is to run a dog around the ring! I had always thought that conformance showing was pretty easy, especially compared to something like agility training, where the handler has to be nearly as agile as the dog. I was pretty surprised to learn that there is a definite technique to handling a show dog, too.
Anyways, you can see the clip here. Monday’s show (the 2nd clip on the list) is about the preparations they had to go through, while Tuesday’s show (the one that pops up when you open the link) shows the actual competition, which is pretty funny, in and of itself!
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!