The news this week runs from the magic (yesterday’s salvation of unwanted kittens by a yellow Lab) to the tragic. Right here in my hometown, Canton City Health Department and Stark County Humane Society officials removed 22 dogs from a filthy, boarded up home.
As reported in Canton’s Repository, the dogs were found in a home where rescuers had to slog “through ankle-deep layers of dog feces to rescue 22 canines.”
City Director of Environmental Health Mark Adams said, “It’s probably one of the worst I’ve seen in a long time. One of the most horrific things was three medium-sized dogs crammed into a small dog cage – a pet carrier.”
After the dogs were removed, city workers were pulled out of the house because of health concerns in the filthy – and one would assume quite fragrant – enclosed space. They later cleaned the back and side yards, filling half of a city garbage truck. It is feared that when they get to the inside of the house, they may find dead animals under the filth.
The dogs are being cleaned up and looked after at the Stark County Humane Society, where they appear to be basically in good health.
What is wrong with people???!!!???
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!
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