What do you do when you receive an e-mail like this one? “The director of volunteer services at a local hospice in Pittsburgh, contacted me this morning. He was inquiring about a situation he is trying to deal with. A gentleman came to Pittsburgh from Florida for a liver transplant. Long story short, he now has cancer and is terminal and is in hospice/palliative care.
His dog (Bailey) is still in Florida.
It is this gentleman’s last wish to have his Bailey back by his side as it is now apparent that he will not be returning to Florida.”
If you’re Liz Bondarek, Volunteer Transport Coordinator for Pilots N Paws, you simply send out an e-mail and wait for the replies to flood in. It took at least four different flights and four incredibly helpful pilots, but Bailey finally made it to his dad’s side to offer comfort in his final days.
Read the whole story and see tons more pictures on the Pilots N Paws site.
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!