Shelter Sunday: Valley Dogs / Gilbert, AZ

Lola 1Attention Eric Clapton fans: meet Lola! Lola is currently living in Gilbert, Arizona with the good folks at Valley Dogs. (Wonder if they’re like, “totally tubular, dude”?) Here’s what their website has to say about this young Great Dane / American Pit Bull mix:

Lola was rescued from animal control. She is a HUGE lover. Oh and a mother 6 months ago. She had 8 beautiful puppies who were all adopted. Now it is her turn.

Lola is dog door trained, crate trained and ready for a new family. She loves children but should be with older ones because she likes to romp and play.

She prefers larger dogs that are not dominant and does great at the adoption events. She loves to meet new people.

Would you like to run? She will go all day. Come take her for a spin.

If you’re going to be near Arizona, why not contact Valley Dogs and ask to meet Lola and all of her friends. Send an e-mail to

If you’re somewhere else, check out PetFinder’s Shelter Center for adoptable dogs near you.

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!

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