I hope you’ve enjoyed playing along all week! As promised, here are the answers for each day, showing the year won, the dog’s registered name, and the owner’s name(s).
1. 1933 Ch Warland Protector of Shelterock, Airedale Terrier, S M Stewart
2. 1947 – Ch Warlord of Mazelaine, Boxer, Mrs. & Mrs. RC Kettles Jr (Also won in 1946)
3. 1955 – Ch Kippax Fearnought, Bulldog, Dr. JA Saylor (Also won in 1954)
4. 1962 – Ch Elfinbrook Simon, West Highland White Terrier, Wishing Well Kennels
5. 1972 – Ch Chinoe’s Adamant James, English Springer Spaniel (Also won in 1971)
1. 1938 – Daro of Maridor, English Setter, Maridor Kennels
2. 1940 – Ch My Own Brucie, Black Cocker Spaniel, HE Mellinthin (Also won in 1939 & 1941)
3. 1949 – Ch Mazelaine Zazarac Brandy, Boxer, Mr. & Mrs. John P. Wagner
4. 1966 – Ch Zeloy Mooremaide’s Magic, Wire Fox Terrier, Marion G. Bunker
5. 1978 – Ch Cede Higgins, Yorkshire Terrier, BA and CW Switzer
1. 1934 – Ch Flornell Spicy Bit of Halleston, Wire Fox Terrier, Halleston Kennels
2. 1952 – Ch Rancho Dobe’s Storm, Doberman Pinscher, Len Carey (Also won in 1953)
3. 1958 – Ch Puttencove Promise, Poodle (Standard), Puttencove Kennels
4. 1965 – Ch Carmichaels Fanfare, Scottish Terrier, Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Stalter
5. 1973 – Ch Acadia Command Performance, Poodle (Standard), Edward B. Jenner & Jo Anne Sering
1. 1948 – Ch Rock Ridge Night Rocket, Bedlington Terrier, Mr. & Mrs. William A. Rockefeller
2. 1957 – Ch Shirkhan of Grandeur, Afghan Hound, Sunny Shay & Dorothy Chenade
3. 1963 – Ch Wakefield’s Black Knight, English Springer Spaniel, Mrs. WJS Borie
4. 1970 – Ch Arriba’s Prima Donna, Boxer, Dr. & Mrs. PJ Pagano & Dr. T Fickes
5. 1979 – Ch Oak Tree’s Irishtocrat, Spaniel (Irish Water) Mrs. Anne E. Snelling
1. 1942 – Ch Wolvey Pattern of Edgerstoune, West Highland White Terrier, Mr. John G. Winant
2. 1946 – Ch Heatherington Model Rhythm, Wire Fox Terrier, Mr. & Mrs. TH Carruthers, III
3. 1959 – Ch Fontclair Festoon, Poodle (Miniature), Dunwalke Kennels
4. 1967 – Ch Bardene Bingo, Scottish Terrier, EH Stuart
5. 1976 – Ch Jo Ni’s Red Baron of Crofton, Lakeland Terrier, Mrs. Virginia K. Dickson
1. 1943 – Ch Pitter Patter of Piperscroft, Poodle (Miniature), Mrs. PHB Frelinghuysen
2. 1950 – Ch Walsing Winning Trick of Edgerstoune, Scottish Terrier, Mrs. John C. Winant
3. 1962 – Ch Elfinbrook Simon, West Highland White Terrier, Wishing Well Kennels
4. 1969 – Ch Glamoor Good News, Skye Terrier, Walter F and Adele Goodman
5. 1977 – Ch Dersade Bobby’s Girl, Sealyham Terrier, Pool Forge Kennels
1. 1944 – Ch Flornell-Rare-Bit of Twin Ponds, Welsh Terrier, Mrs. Edward P. Alker
2. 1954 – Ch Carmor’s Rise and Shine, ASCOB Cocker Spaniel, Mrs. Carl E. Morgan
3. 1960 – Ch Chik T’Sun of Caversham, Pekingese, Mr. & Mrs. CC Venable (Also won in 1959)
4. 1968 – Ch Stingray of Derryabah, Lakeland Terrier, Mr. & Mrs. James A. Farrell, Jr.
5. 1974 – Ch Gretchenhof Columbia River, German Shorthaired Pointer, Dr. Richard P. Smith
Can’t get enough Westminster history? Here’s a link to the entire gallery of winners.
How did you do? If nothing else, I thought it was fun to look at the changing hairstyles and clothing of the people in the pictures.
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!