Not once, not twice, but three times, Southwest Airlines (my favorite way to travel!) flew to Puerto Rico to pick up planeloads of animals who needed to be rescued after the busy hurricane season.
On the most recent trip, more than 60 animals were brought back, and Southwest stuck with their policy of transporting all warm-blooded animals in the cabin rather than in the cargo hold. Volunteers and a veterinarian were on hand to ensure the animals’ safety on board. The animals were crated and buckled into seats for the flight. No word on whether or not their tray tables were in a locked and upright position.
Following Hurricane Maria, these dogs had been taken in by an organization known as PR Animals, which fostered them until transport to the US could be arranged. “Sato” means “stray”, and these folks took great pride in taking such good care of these animals while they waited for the logistics to be worked out; therefore the effort was referred to as Sato Pride.
Oh, and by the way, Southwest has also carried in 24,000 pounds of supplies to help the people who live on the devastated island.
The animals were taken to a Lucky Dog Animal Rescue in Virginia, where they will be made available for adoption.
Kudos to all those who are helping.
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!