Bichons Frises GCHS CH High Ridge He’s So Full Of Himself
Boston Terriers GCHB CH Candar’s Too Hot To Handle
Bulldogs Abril Lavinge (Perez)
Chinese Shar-Pei GCHG CH Broken Rd’s Can We Talk At Prunehill CGC
Chow Chows GCHB CH Flamingstar The Lion King
Cotons de Tulear CH Just Incredible Burberry London
Dalmatians GCHB CH Hallmarks Heartbreaker Dream Maker
Finnish Spitz GCHS CH Dv9k9’s Talvi Lahja
French Bulldogs GCHP CH Le Petit Prince De La Bete
Keeshonden GCHS CH Skyline Summerwind Order In The Court
Lhasa Apsos GCHB CH Siimline’s Love Legacy Truth
Lowchen GCH CH Bihar’s Myles Of Smiles
Norwegian Lundehunds CH Przytulia Pikku Myy Masenflora CGCA CGCU TKN
Poodles (Miniature) GCHG CH Danfour Keep The Madness Rolling
Poodles (Standard) GCHG CH Stone Run Afternoon Tea
Schipperkes GCHP CH Rivendel’s Barefoot Bandit
Shiba Inu GCHP CH Frerose Good Time Charlie
Tibetan Spaniels GCHS CH Kan Sing’s Ambrier’s Kora La
Tibetan Terriers CH Rinchen’s Magical Illusion
Xoloitzcuintli CH Blanch-O’s El Toro