From WEWS in Cleveland: Meet Sir Darius Brown. This handsome 13-year old makes bow ties to help animals get adopted from shelters.
Born with a fine motor delay, Sir Darius needed a project to help him catch up. His mom, a hairdresser, enlisted his help to make hair bows, but soon realized he needed something more. She gave him the supplies to make bow ties, at first for himself, then for shelter animals who arrived in New Jersey from the south after Hurricanes Irma and Harvey.
Sir Darius now spends his weekends sewing 10 – 15 bow ties each week, trying to prevent any animals from being euthanized due to overcrowding. He knows an animal who looks dapper stands a better chance of being adopted.
His ties became so popular, his mother had to set up a GoFundMe account to buy supplies. The two traveled to 7 states last year to visit shelters and deliver ties. To date, he has made somewhere between 400 and 500 ties and estimates he has helped over 100 animals to get adopted. His goal is to place his ties in shelters in all 50 states.
I want to be just like Sir Darius when I grow up.
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!