Category Archives: Animals

New Book Tells the Stories of Animal Actors & Helps the American Humane Association

image001Ever wonder how Mr. Jinx (a.k.a. Charlie) learned to miraculously flush a toilet in Meet the Fockers? How the actors and film crew dealt with 300 real Snakes on a Plane? From Joey the horse in War Horse to the wolves in Game of Thrones, what the public sees onscreen is just the beginning. AHA CEO Robin Ganzert has been hard at work on a new book, “ANIMAL STARS: Behind the Scenes with Your Favorite Animal Actors.” (New World Library).
Continue reading New Book Tells the Stories of Animal Actors & Helps the American Humane Association

Justin Bieber’s Dog Now in the News

It’s not enough that pop superstar Justin Bieber is making news every other day now that his life has gone off the rails, now his dad (Jeremy Bieber) and his dog, a Bulldog named Karma, are making headlines. His father has been accused of throwing the kid’s dog from a second floor balcony.

Dad Jeremy apparently was incensed when the dog allegedly bit his younger son, Jackson. At some point following this incident, Justin may have given up the dog to a trainer. (One story has the trainer stealing the dog.)

At any rate, it’s turning into a real “he said / he said” incident, not the first for Bieber, who has had other animal-related problems in the past. One involved a monkey who had not had the proper shots and was seized by German authorities; the other involved his throwing a hamster at a fan.

You can’t make this stuff up, folks!

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!

Happy Thanksgiving!


May your stuffing be tasty,
May your turkey be plump.
May your potatoes and gravy
have nary a lump.
May your yams be delicious,
May your pies take the prize,
May your Thanksgiving dinner
stay off of your thighs.

Happy Turkey Day to all of you dog lovers out there!

Stop back later in the day for live blog posts from the National Dog Show (starting at noon Eastern) and from Fox’s Cause for Paws All-Star Dog Spectacular, starting at 8 pm Eastern.

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!

Saturday Survey: Those Thieving Cats and Dogs

We posted a video earlier in the week that showed cats stealing food from the dogs’ dishes. Which begs the question: does this kind of stuff happen in your house? At my house, we keep the cat food behind a baby gate to keep the dogs out, and my dogs don’t eat slowly enough to allow ANYONE to steal anything without losing several body parts.

[poll id=”54″]

Until next time:

Good day, and good dog!