Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!
Category Archives: Breed Specific
Love you, too!
What’s that old joke about where does the elephant sit? Anywhere he wants to!
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!
Saturday Survey: Breed-Specific Insurance Rates
I posted a story on Tuesday about how insurance companies sometimes raise your homeowner’s premiums if they know you have a dog of a breed they consider dangerous. Which made me wonder – have you been subjected to breed-specific rates?
[poll id=”47″]
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!
Tuesday Top Ten: Breed-Specific Insurance Rates
Many homeowners insurance carriers are loathe to provide insurance to homes that include certain breeds of dogs that they deem more likely to bite and cause injuries. Although the laws in many jurisdictions are finally reflecting the fact that it’s not necessarily the breed so much as the way the dog is raised, insurance companies still, in many cases, use breed-specific rating systems to either deny insurance or to require a higher premium, regardless of the individual dog’s behavioral history.
Continue reading Tuesday Top Ten: Breed-Specific Insurance Rates
K-9 Inca of the Massillon, Ohio Police Department
If people outside of northeastern Ohio have heard of Massillon at all, it’s usually because of their high school football team, the Massillon Tigers. Turns out this town that is just down the road from me is also notable for something else: the only Dogo Argentino in the US certified as a police K-9.
Continue reading K-9 Inca of the Massillon, Ohio Police Department
Friday Funny: Watch your step!
I Prefer Beagles
For those if you who follow along regularly, you know I have a thing for Beagles. Well, I just found a new Facebook page that could have been made especially for me. It’s called I Prefer Beagles.
Continue reading I Prefer Beagles
My Sister’s Dog Bite
It took me a long time to decide whether or not to write this. But it is legitimate news, so I’ll share. My sister works in a boarding facility for dogs in Virginia. When she was cleaning a cage last week, she forgot to put the dog’s bedding back inside, and as she opened the cage to do so, the dog was being brought back in from an outdoor run. Continue reading My Sister’s Dog Bite
Saturday Survey: What Kind of Dog Are You?
Today’s Saturday Survey is in a little different format. Please go to BiteCharge and take the quiz. Then come back here and tell us your breed!
Here’s how mine came out: Great Dane
You’re genuinely humble and that makes you stand out in a crowded room. Everyone looks up to you and you’re extremely smart, but you’re still approachable due to your warm demeanor. Your elegance and class can sometimes make others feel humbled, but it’s never intentional. You’re the Great Dane, the kind ruler of your own kingdom.
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!
Tuesday Top Ten: Least Popular Dogs in the US
Usually, we feature the first ten of something, but I thought it might be fun to look at the other end of the list today. Here are the 10 breeds that were registered in the LOWEST number with the AKC in 2013.
Continue reading Tuesday Top Ten: Least Popular Dogs in the US