Category Archives: Dog Fun

Boys and Girls of Summer


Look who we met at our baseball game tonight! Bella is a Flat-Coated Retriever, and from what I hear, she’s not terribly excited about having a new little brother. Finnegan is a Yellow Lab, whose original family was unable to keep him, so he’s moved in with Bella and her family. He’s a little crazy, but I’m sure they’ll work it out!

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!

Hank: Star of the Cactus League

Photo Rick Scuter / Associated Press
Photo Rick Scuter / Associated Press
If you follow pre-season baseball, you may have already heard about Hank, who is overshadowing this year’s players at the Milwaukee Brewer’s training camp. No, not the Hank Aaron who started his career in Milwaukee. This Hank is a stray dog who wandered into the team’s complex back in February looking a little worse for the wear.

Team employees took the Bichon Frise mix to the vet, where he was diagnosed as possibly having been hit by a car. After a bath, the dog was awarded jersey # 1 and taken in by the team. The club’s broadcaster Bob Uecker tweeted, “I’m second banana now.”

Team and staff members take turns giving Hank a place to sleep in the evenings, and if his owner doesn’t turn up, it’s likely the dog will make the final cut and go to Miller Park for the season.

Even the coaches are getting involved with the dog’s care. It’s being reported that coach Ed Sedar stood in the chow line to get Hank some scrambled eggs one morning.

No word on his curve ball, but he’s apparently quite the outfielder. According to pitcher Yovani Gallardo, Hank is “awesome, didn’t miss one groundball.”

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!

Puppy Bowl X Starting Lineup

Such excitement! Animal Planet has announced the starting line-up for tomorrow’s Puppy Bowl X. The little girl featured in this video, August, is a 12-week old Boxer mix from Northwest Boxer Rescue in Ellensburg, Washington.

Check out the whole line-up!

If you’ve not watched this show before, it is the cutest thing you’ve ever seen. About 6 – 8 puppies are put in an arena with a “turf” floor painted to look like a football field. When the first group gets tired, they pull them out and put in new puppies. They simply play with each other, but the announcers talk about it as if it is a real football game. When a puppy crosses the goal line, they carry on about the score. They introduce new features every year, but there is typically a camera in the bottom of the water bowl and some cheerleaders to keep things interesting. The best part is that all of the dogs are from rescue organizations around the country. The show airs Sunday, February 2nd at 3 pm on Animal Planet.

And this year, for the first time, the Hallmark Channel is giving the folks at Animal Planet a run for their money by airing the first ever Kitten Bowl. Thank goodness it starts at noon so I don’t have to choose!

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!