From Lutheran Church Charities: While the story [of the UCC shooting in Roseburg, Oregon] was just being reported, LCC received a call from the Northwest District Disaster Response Coordinator, The Rev. Ron Norris, requesting the deployment of our LCC K-9 Comfort Dogs in response to this horrific mass shooting.
Following that initial call, the president of the Northwest District, Rev. Paul A. Linnemann, invited the LCC K-9 Comfort Dogs and handlers to Oregon to assist their district with reaching those who are in need, with the Mercy, Compassion, Presence and Proclamation of Jesus Christ.
The LCC K-9 Comfort Dog Teams had traveled from four different states the previous 48 hours to reach Roseburg Oregon. Monday, the team met at 7:30am and started the day with devotions and prayer still awaiting God’s plan for the day. God’s call came at 8am through Pastor Sarkissian of Green Community Church. He would meet the K-9 team at Umpqua Community College as they wanted the Comfort Dogs present when the faculty and staff returned in the morning and the students were invited back at 1pm to retrieve lost articles from the day of the shootings.
When the team arrived, they were led into the center of the campus with their vehicles and given a briefing of what would be going on in the college that day. Veterans from the veteran center, the acting college President, the Sherriff, and the students all arrived shortly after the faculty.
Words cannot describe how strong the emotions were. One by one people recalled the accounts of the day while they petted the dogs. Remembering each minute, where they were and what they heard or saw. Heartbreaking, heroic, and lasting memories. The 6 K-9 teams responded with love and prayer which was so appreciated.
What a wonderful ministry!
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!