Today, I received a review copy of Jon Franklin’s new book, “The Wolf in the Parlor: The Eternal Connection Between Humans and Dogs.” I didn’t have a chance to start reading it yet, but thought you might be interested in the jacket blurb.
Category Archives: Dog Product Reviews
Healthy Dog Treats
Several of you have commented about serving your dog healthy food, whether it be a premium commercial food, home-cooked, or raw. That’s great for his regular meals, but what do you do for treats? It’s sometimes hard to strike a balance between rewarding your dog for a job well done and allowing your dog to get too fat.
Dog Tags as Art?
Have you checked out the new site selling dog tags? DogTagArt takes works of art and makes them into tags for your dog. You can get three very clear lines of text, allowing you to put your dog’s name, as well as two phone numbers, or an address & phone number. And the best part is that they are really cool – looking!
The Furminator: God’s gift to shedding dogs?
I was talking to a friend today, and he told me about what he calls a miracle product. He said a friend told him about the Furminator awhile ago, but said it had cost $50 at the pet store. Although my friend John struggles with his German Shepherd’s blowing his coat twice a year, he decided he’d rather vacuum every day than spend $50 to get rid of the problem.
Then, he found the same product on e-bay (new in box) for just $15, so he decided to give it a try. He couldn’t say enough good things about it! According to John, he brushed Harley only twice this spring, and never had to worry about excessive hair around the house.
I’m thinking I’ll have to go buy one now. If you look at their Web site, it’s unbelievable how much hair they got out of the pictured dogs (one of them shown above) with this product, but from what John said, it’s absolutely true!
Have any of you tried the Furminator? What was your experience?
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!
Rapid Bath: The Quickest Way to Bathe Your Dog?
At the risk of starting another Potty Patch debacle, I have to ask if anyone has tried the bathing system called Rapid Bath they are now showing on TV. The company claims you can now bathe your dog in 3 minutes because the spray head allows you to wet your dog at the same time you are applying the shampoo. Then, you switch off the shampoo dispenser and rinse the dog with clear water through the same spray head.
I haven’t tried it, but it seems like it would be a good time-saver, especially in homes like mine with multiple dogs. I usually take my dogs in the shower with me so they can’t escape through the glass doors, but I do have trouble getting the shampoo on their undercarriages, so I wonder if this product wouldn’t help with that as well.
Have you tried the product? Is it easy to use? Does it scare your dog? Is it worth the price ($49.95)? Inquiring minds want to know!
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!
101 Things About Dogs E-book Is Here!!!
The long-awaited (by me, anyways) publication of my book as an e-book download is finally a reality! That’s right, you can now download your very own copy of “101 Things You Should Know Before Getting a Dog: A Little Instruction Book for Prospective Dog Guardians” right here, right now!
It took us awhile to get the site set up to accept payments securely and to get the book to download properly, but it is now ready for your purchase.
As some of you know, the book was published first in softcover (available here), but it is pretty expensive to do the color printing. So, we wanted to find a way to get this valuable resource in your hands at a more reasonable price – just $9.95.
Click here to be taken to the sales page for the e-book. Be sure to let us know what you think!
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!
Dog Adoption
When we ran a poll about dog adoptions earlier in the year, the response was overwhelming. Most of you indicated you had at some time adopted a dog froma shelter. How’d that work out for you? Editor Kyla Duffy of Happy Tails Books wants to share your story with the masses.
New Dog Books
I received the magazine from my book club today, and found two books you might be interested in. I haven’t read either of these yet, so I can’t give you anything other than the promo stuff in the magazine, but they both sound good.
A Dog’s Indoor Potty Patch: A Question
We’ve gotten a ton of feedback to previous posts about the potty patch, and as you know if you’ve been following along, the company said they would begin shipping product very soon. Has anyone actually gotten one? I’m curious as to if they are making good on their promise, and as to whether or not the product works. Please comment below if you have one! Thanks.
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!
Considering buying a potty patch for your dog? Read this first!
We’ve been getting a lot of hits on our potty patch posts, so I wanted to make sure everyone had access to the most recent news from them. According to the manufacturer, they are now ready to fulfill all of the orders they previously took. My question to you, readers: is this true? Have you gotten what you ordered?
They said they had test-marketed advertisements before they actually had the product in stock, so they were unable to send out the product when you ordered it. However, they expected this to be a short-term problem and thought they’d have everything taken care of by now. What say you?
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!