Category Archives: Human or Doggy Nature

Help Canines for Disabled Kids earn a $1,000 Grant

Crazy PetWORCESTER, MA – A dog can make a big difference in a kid’s life — but having a canine companion can be a life-changing event for a child with a disability who gets paired with a trained service dog.

Matthew has Asperger’s Syndrome, a condition that makes it difficult and terrifying to go out in public and interact with people. After he received his service dog, “Quincy,” the 8-year-old started coming out of his shell and his precocious intelligence began to shine. “I love my dog because he helps me with a lot of things that sometimes I can’t control,” said Matt. “Sometimes I’m crying in a crowd, and Quincy helps me a ton by licking and kissing me so I feel better. He helps me talk to people.”
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18-Week Old Puppy Saves Young Boy from Swarm of Bees

This is one family who is extra glad they brought a dog into their family. A few weeks after bringing Pinky home, Richie, a 9-year old who is allergic to bees, was outside playing with the dog when he was stung by a couple of bees. Problem is, the bees were part of a large swarm and could have caused a major problem for Richie.
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A few thoughts on police dogs

Photo: Jonathan Palmer / Herald Leader

If you’re one of the few people on the planet who hasn’t yet “liked” the Brimfield Police Department’s Facebook page, here’s what you’re missing. (Note: Brimfield is a very small town in Northeastern Ohio, yet their page has more likes than most major metropolises. A big reason why is posts like this one from Chief Oliver.)
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