Category Archives: Human or Doggy Nature

Book Review: A Pug With a Plan

From the book's Facebook page
My sister turned me on to this book after hearing about it on a Cincinnati radio station.

A Pug With a Plan by Janeen Coyle is a cute, true children’s story about how a family deals with the loss of their pet. Great for helping both kids and adults deal with the topic of grief.

Check it out if you find yourself struggling with that sad situation.

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!

Helping Hurricane Sandy’s Animal Victims

How many of you have or have had a dog named Sandy? The name always makes me think of the scruffy little dog in Annie and the Lil Orphan Annie cartoon. Anyways, I received the below e-mail from Barry at Dig and Bark, so thought I would pass it along. I’ve ordered from them before and was very happy with both the quality and the service.
Continue reading Helping Hurricane Sandy’s Animal Victims

Saturday Survey: Dogs & Babies

We had my son’s girlfriend & her 2 kids over for dinner tonight. It was so much fun to watch Cooper, the Vizsla, try to play with her 19-month old daughter. She doesn’t have stairs at her house, so she had a great time crawling up and down ours. Cooper followed her up and down every time. I’m not sure if he was protecting her or just trying to keep track of whether she was getting close to his toys. The other dogs just pretty much ignored her.

I remember when my kids were little and my dad would babysit for me. We had one dog that would follow him from room to room when he was walking with the baby. She was sooooooo worried he would do something to my son!

So, I got to wondering – how do your dogs feel about babies?

Continue reading Saturday Survey: Dogs & Babies

Henry the Golden Retriever: Autistic Boy’s Savior

This moving You-Tube video tells the story of Henry, a beautiful Golden Retriever, who ended up being a lifeline to Dale, an 8-year old autistic boy.

Isn’t it amazing what dogs can do? The book detailing Henry and Dale’s journey is called “A Friend Like Henry” and is available on Amazon.

Truly inspiring!

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!

Tender Moment Between Man And His Arthritic Dog In Lake Superior

In case you haven’t seen this beautiful photo making the rounds online lately I wanted to share it with you.  It’s a photo of John Unger cradling his 19-year-old rescue dog Schoep (named after a famous Wisconsin ice cream) in Lake Superior.  Schoep has arthritis and the pain makes it hard for him to fall asleep, so his loving owner takes him into the water and gently cradles him, and the dog trusts him enough to fall asleep in the water.

Apparently Lake Superior is quite warm this time of year and the warmth and buoyancy helps the dog relax enough to fall asleep.  What a beautiful act of love and kindness this man gives his faithful companion.

Do take a moment to read the full story behind the photo, it will make your day.

Schoep cradled by his owner John Unger in Lake Superior


Dogs with Soul

When Ellie, a blind spaniel, was adopted by shelter manager Jean Spencer, she never expected that her other dog, Leo, would choose to become her very own seeing-eye dog. “I take them for walks in the park and Leo guides Ellie around,” says Spencer. “He is so protective and herds the more boisterous dogs away from her.”

Continue reading Dogs with Soul