Category Archives: Human or Doggy Nature

Sammy in the Sky

Both author Barbara Walsh and artist Jamie Wyeth said the story needed to be told because, as Walsh put it, "There's nothing else like this out there." Photo: ASSOCIATED PRESS, Robert F. Bukaty / AP

Have you ever had to deal with the grief of losing a beloved pet?  No one wants to go through this, but if you have pets long enough, you will eventually deal with their loss.  As hard as it is for us as adults, think about how much more difficult it would be to process the loss as a child.  To address this concern, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Barbara Walsh has written “Sammy in the Sky” to help parents help their children through the death of a pet.

Continue reading Sammy in the Sky

Crisp, the Assistance Companion

"Anywhere Mason goes, the dog goes," Page Murphy says of her son and Crisp, who performs all the physical motions that Mason can't. Breeding and training such a dog can cost $45,000. / The Enquirer/Joseph Fuqua II

How do you get a dog not to be afraid of a youngster in a power wheelchair?  The best way I know of is to get the dog from Canine Companions for Independence in Santa Rosa, CA or one of their local training centers such as the one in Delaware, OH.

Continue reading Crisp, the Assistance Companion

Dog People vs. Cat People

From the December/January issue of Reader’s Digest:

Dog people: 15% more likely to be extroverts
Cat people: 11% more likely to be introverts

Dog people: 18% more likely to consider Paul McCartney their favorite Beatle
Cat people: 25% more likely to consider George Harrison their favorite Beatle

Dog people: 30% more likely to enjoy slapstick humor and impressions
Cat people: 21% more likely to enjoy ironic humor and puns

Both dog and cat people:
– Talk to animals of all kinds
– Are equally likely to have a four-year degree
– Dislike animal-print clothing

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

Happy Veterans Day…and Thank You

Sorry – should have posted this earlier in the day, but was busy getting ready a big dinner for my best friend’s daughter who is home on a weekend pass from Advanced Infantry Training (the school after basic training).  She just found out she will be posted to Kuwait when she finished training.  Accepting prayers now!  I’m so proud of her!

And I do want to thank all of our vets – both 2-legged and 4-legged – for their service!

Dogs Walked by Men Four Times Likelier to Show Aggression: Study Shows

A dog’s age, sex and size, as well as the owner’s sex and whether or not a leash is used all affect canine behavior.

An interesting new study out of Mendel University in the Czech Republic, which is set to appear in the journal Applied Animal Behaviour Science, examines various factors that can affect a dog’s level of aggression toward other dogs while being walked.

The study spearheaded by Petr Řezάč, an associate professor in the Department of Animal Morphology, Physiology and Genetics, found that a dog’s age and gender can affect his or her inclination to threaten another dog.  More surprisingly, by observing 1,870 dogs in 30 different public places in the city of Brno from May to September of 2009,  the study also found that the sex of the person walking the dog and whether the dog is on a leash has an affect on the dog’s likelihood to attack or threaten another dog.

So what do you think of this study?  We’d love to hear your opinion/experiences in the comments below!

Read the full article on the study here

A Dog’s Heart as Big as an Elephant


Bella and Tarra
Bella and Tarra

Dogs love us unconditionally– no matter age, disability, rich or poor. 

But, to share a companion 8,000 pounds her senior for eight years truly shows us what dogs, and elephants can teach us.

On October 26 Bella, companion to Tarra, an 8,000 pound elephant in Tennessee, died.  They made world headlines together, and featured on CBS for their amazing ability to share their lives together in food, drink, play and sleep… and in the end, what seems like amazing compassion.

Check out the story of this amazing pair of Beaty and…the Beauty.