Category Archives: Human or Doggy Nature

Heigl Foundation Donates $30,000 To Fund No Cost Adoptions For Veterans

Katherine Heigl (star of Grey’s Anatomy and the upcoming movie One for the Money) has just announced that the foundation she established in her brother’s memory is donating $30,000 to assist our country’s veterans in adopting shelter animals.

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Appreciate Your Dog on Facebook

Wendy's recently deceased and much beloved Giles

A Facebook post from my good friend, Wendy:

If you have (or had) a dog who has made you laugh, brightened your life and every day, silently accepted your tears without judgment, snuggled with you, forgiven your faults and loved you unconditionally – make this your status. Dogs are a gift most of us don’t deserve. Re-post this if you share(d) your life with an amazing dog or dogs.

Let’s repost & encourage all of our friends to do the same!

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

Saturday Survey: Does Your Dog Take Care of You?

In the week or so since I’ve been home from the hospital with my new knee, Cooper has barely left my side.  He’s always been a big baby, but I really think he knows I don’t feel so good. It’s weird because the other three dogs (and even 1 of the cats) don’t appear to notice, but Cooper & 1 of the cats have been all about sticking with me.  It’s good to have friends!

Continue reading Saturday Survey: Does Your Dog Take Care of You?