Category Archives: Human or Doggy Nature

The Psychiatrist is In: 5-cents

OK, since it is now Wednesday, I thought it would be a good time to follow up on Monday’s post about a dog named Tuesday.  I stumbled across this article from the Wall Street Journal while I was looking for something else.  If you watched the third video attached to Monday’s post, you learned a bit about Tuesday, a dog who helps veteran Luis Carlos Montalvan deal with severe PTSD.  Here’s “The Rest of the Story.”

Continue reading The Psychiatrist is In: 5-cents

Are you smarter than a 5th-grade Vizsla, Dog Lady?

We’ve been trying to build up Cooper’s play drive by playing fetch with him more often, in hopes that he will want to chase a toy off the dock for dock diving.  So, tonight he came over to me with a ball in his mouth.  Naturally, I threw it for him, and praised the heck out of him when he brought it back.  He gave it to me pretty easily, so I threw it again, but it went under the edge of the bed.   (I throw like a girl.)  He couldn’t see it, but he looked around for awhile, and I’m saying “Go get it!  Go get it!  Good boy, Cooper!”  He appeared to lose interest because he couldn’t see it, then he went and got a different ball and brought it to me.  I guess he’s not as dopey as he looks!

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

Poor Chance!

My brother & sister-in-law have been out of town this past week, so Grandma has been babysitting their dogs, Chance and Matilda.  When I talked to her last night, she said Chance has taken to sitting down in front of her and saying “woof”.

She said she’s let him out, fed him, petted him, and done everything else she can think of, but he still sits in front of her and says, “woof” every few minutes.  I think he just misses his daddy!  (He’s a big old daddy’s boy.)

I thought I had a picture of them, but I guess not.  I’ll get one from Jim when they get back so you can see just how pitiful Chance is.

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

Take Your Dog to Work Day is Tomorrow!

Don’t forget!  Tomorrow is Take Your Dog to Work Day, an event designed to make more people familiar with the joy dogs bring into our lives so they will be more likely to adopt them.  Assuming your dog is one who would be a good ambassador to promote dog adoption, why not consider asking your boss if you can participate.

Continue reading Take Your Dog to Work Day is Tomorrow!

Drakko from The Pet Patrol

I was at the hospital last night visiting a friend and had the pleasure of running into Drakko. He is a Pet Therapy specialist serving at Mercy Hospital through a partnership with The Delta Society.

This beautiful Golden Doodle wears boots.  I asked if he had trouble on the slick hospital floors, and his handler Teresa said that he was fine on the floors, but his feet get so muddy, she puts boots on him when it rains so he doesn’t track dirt all over the hospital.

Thanks for all you do, Drakko and Teresa!

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!