Category Archives: Human or Doggy Nature

Is it legal to chain your dog outside?

schnauzer chainedUSA Today recently ran a story about a new law being proposed in Illinois, which would require that any dog tethered outside remain in the owner’s line of sight for the entire time the dog is tied.  Other states and municipalities have laws which limit the time a dog is outside or ban the practice altogether.

Regardless of how you feel about the various laws, I think we can all agree that some dogs live a miserable life, never being allowed off of their chains, or not able to access shade or fresh water.

Do you know the law in your area?  Check out this site for a listing of what’s up where.

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

A new way to exercise your dog?

walkEnglishman Paul Railton wanted to walk his dog last December, but apparently wasn’t willing to make the effort.  Instead, he attached the dog’s leash to his collar, brought the other end inside his car, and simply drove at low speed along a country road while the dog trotted along beside.

He pled guilty to failure to control his vehicle and acknowledges that he was being lazy.

His punishment?  a $100 fine plus court costs, three points on his license, and no more driving for six months (due to the accumulation of points on his license.)

No word on whether or not the dog was injured or enjoyed the experience.

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

Tuesday Top Ten: Dog Commercials

chihuahuaHave you seen the Traveler’s Insurance commercial where the dog tries to put his bone in a safety deposit box at the bank, then can’t sleep because he’s worried about it?  How about the one for Denta-Stix that shows the dogs with doggie dentures?  These are two of my favorites, which prompted me to do some research on commercials with doggie stars.

According to LePaws, a Hollywood talent agency that represents animal actors, one of every three television commercials features a dog.

I tried to find commercials that weren’t specifically for dog-related products, although the Denta-Stix one was too cute not to include in my top ten.

Continue reading Tuesday Top Ten: Dog Commercials