Category Archives: Human or Doggy Nature

Friday Funny: Cooper Loses a Cat

CooperLast night, I was sitting in my La-Z-Boy writing an article, and Twiggy (one of the cats at my house) jumped up into my lap, which is the normal resting place for my Vizsla, Cooper. Even though he was perfectly comfortable on the bed, he had to come chase Twiggy off of my lap, but halfway there, he stopped to scratch.

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Dogs on the Reservation

Rez dogSteven Sable has designed a photography exhibit called “The Rez Dog Biographies” to highlight the plight of desert strays.  What got Sable interested in the topic?  On a landscape photography trip in the desert Southwest, he stopped to take a picture of a deserted highway in Arizona.  Along came a stray to see him, and Sable, an animal lover, adopted the dog on sight.  Although the sheltie/corgie mix was only about 3 years old, her teeth looked like they belonged to a senior citizen.

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