Category Archives: Human or Doggy Nature

Top Ten Tuesday: Hero Dogs

superdogI recently wrote an article called Extraordinary Hero Dogs for our Doggies Den article library.  I’m not sure when it will be available, but I thought I’d give you a preview here.  These are dogs who, although not specifically trained to be assistance dogs or rescue dogs, performed an act of heroism to benefit their families, or in some cases, total strangers.  Out of the forty-four dogs profiled in the article, here are what I consider the top ten.

Continue reading Top Ten Tuesday: Hero Dogs

Dogs Can Make Your Kids Healthy

assistanceOK, we all know there are many advantages to sharing your life with a dog, but how about this! The New York Times is reporting on a study being done by the the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, part of the National Institutes of Health, in cooperation with the Waltham Center for Pet Nutrition in England (part of the Mars candy and pet food company).
Continue reading Dogs Can Make Your Kids Healthy

Dog Cruelty in Georgia


Photo Credit:  Norred & Associates
Photo Credit: Norred & Associates is reporting on a raid carried out in Central Georgia at a home where they had received a tip that the owner was fighting as many as 60 dogs.  Turns out they found 97 dogs, some with what appeared to be fight scars.  Many were malnourished, and few had proper shelter or water. 

The good news in all of this?   A private investigation agency named Norred and Associates Inc. helped with the raid out of their founder’s love for dogs.  From the CNN article:

Since the story broke about NFL player Michael Vick’s dogfighting ring, Greg Norred has been donating his firm’s time and expertise and his own money to rescuing dogs.

“I’m an animal lover. I’ve always been an animal lover. And in the wake of the Michael Vick case, I always thought there might be something I could do about animal cruelty, and with the type of business that I’m in and the resources that I have, it seems like dogfighting is the best vehicle that I can use to do something about animal cruelty.”

In the past two years, Norred’s team has volunteered for at least 16 raids. They’ve helped put 20 people behind bars and saved 200 dogs. Make that almost 300 after this most recent raid.

Kudos to the entire Norred team for their help! 

To the rest of you:  see what just one person can do when you set your mind to help?

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

Dog Poetry

A sweet story from Black Pearl Dogs.

~ My Heart Has A Tail ~

I made a discovery, just today 

Something so amazing in every way. 


It was when you bounded towards my face,

Kissing and wriggling all over the place. 


And I held you very close to me,

Experiencing euphoria, endlessly.  


It seemed all at once, our hearts became one,

And together we were having so much fun.


When I see you running around, 

You don’t need words to make a sound. 


I know that you love me very much

With a loyalty no human can touch. 


That’s why I believe you’ve become my heart,

And no one earthly force can keep us apart.


We understand each other so very well;

Surely my heart has a tail, can’t you tell?”

~Author Unknown


Do you have a favorite dog poem?  Submit it to me:  [email protected], and I’ll try to get it posted.  Who knows?  Maybe we’ll haev a contest if we have a lot of entries!


Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

Saturday Survey: Who cleans up after your dog?

Continuing on our potty patch theme from last week:  we all know dogs were born to make messes, but this time I’m talking specifically about the mess that emits from the back end of his or her body on a daily basis.   Who gets the lucky job of cleaning up at your house?

Continue reading Saturday Survey: Who cleans up after your dog?

Reader’s Digest Hero Pets of the Year

The winner (and still champion) - Chi Chi
The winner - Chi Chi: Courtesy Mary Lane

My bad!  I totally missed the boat on this one.  Over the summer, Reader’s Digest ran a contest to find a winner for the award of Hero Pet of the year.  Finalists included 2 dogs, 1 horse, 1 cat, and 1 parrot.  No big surprise that one of the dogs won!

 I’m sorry I didn’t get this to you in time to vote – I’ll put it on my calendar to check on for next year.  At any rate, the stories of the finalists are available on the Reader’s Digest site – they are very touching.

 Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!