Category Archives: Human or Doggy Nature

Saturday Survey: Does Your Dog Like Kids?

We’ve all seen movies or pictures where young children tumble on an impossibly green lawn (free of dog poop), frolicking with a litter of puppies.  The reality, however, isn’t always that pretty.  Puppies nip.  Children pull tails.  So, how does your dog do around children?

Continue reading Saturday Survey: Does Your Dog Like Kids?

Dogs in the Art World

art bulldogMy local paper, the Canton Repository is reporting today that 2nd April Galerie (a local non-profit gallery featuring local artists in the downtown arts district) is holding a benefit for Friends of the Pound, a volunteer advocacy group that promotes shelter dog adoptions in Stark County, Ohio.

I’m not sure what the connection between the two is, but I thought it was a neat idea.  You know I always harp about taking your dog everywhere you go to socialize him, and it seems this event follows that theme – who’da thunk about connecting dogs to an art gallery?

The show, called “The Art of Kindness”, opens this Thursday and runs through September 19th.   At tomorrow night’s opening, they will have appetizers, wine, live entertainment, a 12-hour paint-a-thon by a local artist (Vicki Boatright) and adoptable dogs.  I’m assuming the wine is for the people, but there’s no word on whether the appetizers will be for the people or the dogs. 

I actually know Vicki.  She is also a children’s counselor and has treated some of my foster kids.  She did a fabulous exhibit called Jesse’s Journey a few years ago, featuring artwork by clients showing the effects of abuse – it was very moving.  The poem that ran around the top of the exhibit was written about human bullies, but I think it applies equally to those who would abuse their dogs:



 by Brenda Calhoun


Why do you pick on me and make me feel bad?

You make me so angry, you make me so mad!

On the outside I sigh and pretend it doesn’t hurt,

While on the inside I cry and feel like dirt!

Didn’t the same one who made me make you?

Then why do you try to make me your fool?

Does it make you feel better to put me down?

Or is it part of your act just being a clown?

You don’t realize the damage you do.


How would you feel if it happened to you?

Being put down for the way you look, feel, and act!

Always the brunt of someone’s attack?

If you tried your very best to fit in,

No matter what you did, you just couldn’t win.

Now that I told you how I feel,

Couldn’t we please just make a deal?

If you are passing my way, with nothing good to say,

Please pass me by and have a nice day.

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!