Category Archives: Human or Doggy Nature

Tuesday Top Five: Health Benefits of Living with a Dog

shutterstock_221933230Everybody knows that dogs welcome you home exuberantly, no matter how long you’ve been gone. But did you know that the Welcome Home also comes with some real health benefits, both physically and mentally? Here are five ways science has proven that dogs can improve your health.
Continue reading Tuesday Top Five: Health Benefits of Living with a Dog

I just need some space…

Dog Trainer Lisa Desatnik, writing for WCPO in Cincinnati, reports that we humans may be just a little too overbearing for some canines. She recommends petting a dog for no longer than 5 seconds, then waiting for the dog to give you some feedback as to whether or not he wants more interaction with you.
Continue reading I just need some space…

What would you do to keep your dog out of a kennel for the holidays? recently took a poll asking people what they’d rather do than put their dog in a caged kennel setting while they celebrated the holidays. It’s worth popping over to their blog to see the infographic, but here are the highlights:
Continue reading What would you do to keep your dog out of a kennel for the holidays?

Saturday Survey: Marketing with Dogs

We’ve all seen them – the really cute Budweiser commercials that have adorable puppies interacting with the Clydesdales or the Honda commercials that have those beautiful Weims sitting in the van. Obviously, someone has convinced companies that having a dog in the commercial makes us more likely to buy their product. Is this true?
[poll id=”51″]

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!

I Died Today. By Duke Roberts

Photo credit:  Robyn Arouty
Photo credit: Robyn Arouty
BuzzFeed ran this recently, and it was so touching, I had to share.

When Duke’s family knew that the time had come for him to cross the Rainbow Bridge, they hired a photographer to chronicle his last day on earth, and they made sure it was a truly memorable last day. Which is a really cool way to honor your dog’s gifts to you.

They ate hamburgers, they played at the splash park, and they invited friends over to say goodbye. A dog couldn’t ask for any more.

Click on the link above to see the pix – you’ll be truly moved. There’s also an update on photographer Robyn Arouty’s blog.

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!