Category Archives: Nutrition

Saturday Survey: Where Do You Buy Dog Food?


If you’ve been a long time reader, you know I have toyed with making homemade dog food several times, but can never seem to find the time to stick with it for very long. I have the typical working parent guilt – I know it’s better for the dog if I make it myself, but I have a hard time juggling everything I “should” be doing. Earlier this week, I posted about how happy I am with, a budget conscious and convenient way to get high quality food for the dog even though it is commercially made. What about you?

[poll id=”110″]

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!

Dominic, Iris and The Crickets

Double Decker Dogs.  Courtesy Nick Belperio Iris (top) and Dominic
Double Decker Dogs. Courtesy Nick Belperio Iris (top) and Dominic

One of my closest friends from high school has adopted two greyhounds. I always love reading his Facebook posts, but this one in particular had me laughing out loud. I think most of us can relate to the war on crickets. Continue reading Dominic, Iris and The Crickets

The Farmer’s Dog Begins Nationwide Shipping

Farmers DogThe Farmer’s Dog, the leading direct-to-consumer dog food startup, is excited to announce nationwide shipping, expanding their service which delivers a completely new kind of pet food. Utilizing a subscription model and strictly human-grade ingredients, the company offers customers and their pets the highest quality and convenience without retail markups. Continue reading The Farmer’s Dog Begins Nationwide Shipping

Will You Help Great Dane Puppy Bijou Get Her Life-Changing Surgery?

BijouIn the course of my travels this month, I met a man named Tim who has a Great Dane puppy in need of surgery. The little girl, named Bijou, has Persistent Right Aortic Arch and Megaesopagus, which means she has a very hard time eating. Tim has to grind up her kibble, add water, then spoon-feed her four times a day. Without surgery, the dog will likely succumb to pneumonia at some point. Tim recently lost his previous Great Dane at 9-years young.
Continue reading Will You Help Great Dane Puppy Bijou Get Her Life-Changing Surgery?

My Experience with Hill’s Science Diet

Penny Layne
Penny Layne
As much as I would like to feed my dogs the BARF (bones & raw food) diet, I don’t have the time to be making dog food every day, and the one time I did try it, I found it to be pretty expensive. Since I was a kid, I’ve always fed my dogs plain old Purina Dog Chow, and they’ve always done well on it.

But about four months ago, my Beagle, Penny, started to get very itchy. I couldn’t even touch her without her legs starting to run, trying to get to the places I wasn’t reaching. She had to have been miserable. Continue reading My Experience with Hill’s Science Diet

Does Your Dog Eat Things That Aren’t Food?

I picked up a pamphlet at a dog expo called “101 Things You Didn’t Know Could Harm Your Pet” from the ASPCA recently, and I’ll be running an ongoing feature listing some of these things over the next few weeks.

According to the pamphlet, ASPCA Pet Health Insurance customers have seen bills of more than $2,500 on average to have things surgically removed from their pets’ stomachs. It’s been years ago, but when my Golden Retriever, Maggie, swallowed a baby toy, it cost us over $1,600 to have the emergency vet remove it.

The most common items are:
Buttons, Batteries
Twist ties
Rubber bands
Cotton swabs
Hair pins
Paper clips
Plastic wrap
Yarn or thread
Dental floss
Electrical cords

The moral of the story: pay attention to your dog! If you can’t be home to watch what they’re getting into, confining them to a crate might be the safest option if your dog is a chewer.

Gotta stop rubbing that bacon flavoring on my nylons, I guess!

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog.