Category Archives: Poll

Saturday Survey: Limiting Dog Ownership

I posted Thursday about Sartell, MN, which has passed a law stating that any single dwelling unit may not have more than two dogs. That seems odd to me, and I’m not sure why the city made this rule.

Here in Stark County, Ohio, you can license five dogs under individual licenses, but if you have more than five, you need a special kennel license. I don’t believe it is in any way complicated to purchase a kennel license – just more expensive.

What about your town?

[poll id=”66″]

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!

Saturday Survey: Where does your dog fall on Slate’s Dog Graph?

Earlier in the week, we published the dog graph recently featured on Where did your dog end up?

[poll id=”57″]

For my dogs:
Kayla is a Rottweiler / German Shepherd mix, which places her as Inexplicably Overrated.
Penny is a Beagle, making her a Hot Dog.
Daisy is a Puggle, with both the Beagle and Pug (and so, presumably a mix of the two) a Hot Dog.
Cooper is a Vizsla – too rare to be on the graph, I’d imagine.
And, of course, my two cats fall into the Hot Dog quadrant. (Did you catch the cat on the graphic when you looked at it?)

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!