Category Archives: Top Ten List

Meet Chesley Sullen-barker

chesleyI took my kids out for ice cream after their baseball game tonight, and we ran into the nicest dog at the ice cream shop.  His human said he had lost his front leg in a car accident and then went to the Humane Society, where they met.  The man was looking for a hero’s name for the dog, and had just about settled on Chesley Sullenberger III (after the pilot who successfully ditched his plane in the Hudson), when his daughter suggested a slight change:  Chesley Sullen-barker!

What a great dog!

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

Tuesday’s Top Ten: Ways to Prepare Your Dog for a Natural Disaster

dorothyWe are getting into storm season here in the Midwest.  Have you ever given any thought to what you would do with your dog if you had to evacuate your home due to flooding, a tornado, or some other natural disaster?  One of the other hats I wear (besides blogger extraordinaire) is Red Cross volunteer.  One of our campaigns for this year is to encourage people to be “Red Cross Ready,” and for those of us with pets, it means having our pets ready, too!

Continue reading Tuesday’s Top Ten: Ways to Prepare Your Dog for a Natural Disaster

Tuesday’s Top Ten: Forum Posts

For those of you who haven’t yet gotten involved in our forums, I wanted to let you know some of the topics that are getting some attention.  As you know, we are just starting out with our forums, so we’d love for you to stop by, introduce yourself, and make some contributions to the community!

Continue reading Tuesday’s Top Ten: Forum Posts