Category Archives: Welcome

TiVO Alert: Hachi comes to Hallmark

Don’t forget to set your DVR if you won’t be home this evening.  Hachi:  A Dog’s Story will be on the Hallmark Channel tonight at 8 pm Eastern.  This touching movie is loosely based on the true story of Hachiko, a loyal Akita who waited for his professor dad at a Japanese train station each day.  The new Richard Gere take on the story is an excellent movie, and if you missed it in theaters, you might want to check it out.

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

September Shelter Activities

I’d like to start a feature on the first of every month, listing events and fundraisers going on at various local shelters for the month. Kind of a community calendar, if you will.

Here’s what I have for September.

Lucky Dog Animal Rescue of Washington, DC is having a wine and cheese adoption event on Saturday, September 4th from 5 – 7 pm at the Old City Green (right by Wagtime across from the DC Convention Center).

Basset Rescue Network at Daphneyland in Los Angeles is having a Waddle at the Santa Monica Pier on September 19th. Bring your favorite hound to the pier and learn the basset waddle!

Adopt-A-Dog Inc. of Armonk, CT is having their 23rd annual dog show and festival called Puttin’ On the Dog on September 25th (rain date is the 26th) at Roger Sherman Baldwin Park in Greenwich from 10 – 5.

If you know of any shelter goings-on, please let me know no later than the 25th of the preceding month so I can include them here.

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

The Dog Lady is Going Live!

UPDATE:  Sorry for the confusion!  I’ve been bumped til 6:30 pm.  Tune in then!

Not that I was ever dead, but I’m going live this afternoon on Glo Rod’s internet radio show about living with multiple pets.  The edited version will be available virtually forever, but if you want to hear it live, mistakes and all, click here at 3 pm Eastern time today.

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

K-9 Officer Buford

This is my week to work our community festival sourrounding the Pro Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement.  As with any large gathering, this one involves a police presence to keep the crowd in line.  So, tonight I got to meet Buford, one of the most beautiful German Shepherds I’ve ever seen.  He works with Patrolman Gilmore of the Canton Police Department.  He let Buford out for a romp and a potty break in the area where I was working, so I asked to take a picture to share with you.  Thanks, Patrolman Gilmore and Buford!