Category Archives: Welcome

Memorial Day, 2010: Guarding the Tomb of the Unknowns

Gettysburg Cannon

We just got home from our community’s Memorial Day celebration, which reminded me that there are some things that are just more important than dogs. (Gasp!)  So, please forgive me as I go off-topic today.

Below are some FAQs about the Sentinels who have guarded the Tomb of the Unknowns 24/7 since 1937.  I had originally received this as an e-mail, but the copy I received had several urban legends in it, so I thought you might like to read the straight poop from The Society of the Honor Guard of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Continue reading Memorial Day, 2010: Guarding the Tomb of the Unknowns

Blog Paws 2010 Conference

I just got back from the BlogPaws 2010 Conference in beautiful Columbus, Ohio.  It was the first ever meeting of people who blog about pets.  They expected 50 people and got over 250 participants!  I had a great time, and it was wonderful to meet some of my readers and fellow bloggers.  With the help of this group, hopefully I will become a better source of information for all of you.  I even learned how to set up contests and sweepstakes, so you may see some of those coming soon!

Continue reading Blog Paws 2010 Conference

“Sweet Home, Alabama”

Is anyone else absolutely in love with the Bloodhound in the movie “Sweet Home, Alabama”?  We’re watching it tonight for the umpteenth time on USA Network.

Baron, the dog who played Bryant, is SO cute!  I just love the scene where he jumps in the lake and stays under so long you think he’s dead, then he just pops back up like nothing has happened.

For those of you into movie trivia, the first dog to have lived with Andrew was named Bear.  When he died, Andrew named his new dog Bryant, in tribute to the legendary football coach from the University of Alabama.

For more information on Baron and how he was trained to do his scenes, see the review on Aha Film.

Hope you had a safe, restful, and happy holiday today!

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!