Category Archives: Welcome

Hurricane Sandy Update: It’s Raining Cats and Dogs in NYC

Anyone know where the expression “raining cats & dogs” came from? In the middle ages when they had thatch roofs, cats and dogs would make their beds on the roof of the house. When it rained, they often slid off into the street. Now you know!

On a more serious note, if you are impacted by Sandy and need help with your pets, check out this Facebook page.

Sending good thoughts & hugs to those on the East coast. Stay safe!

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!

Dogs Saved by Aviators

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Check out this video from NBC News about the Pilots-N-Paws organization. It’s worth watching (if for no other reason) to see the adorable puppies!

Pilots-N-Paws picks up dogs from shelters where they would be killed and flies them in small private planes to more urban areas where people are looking for animals to adopt.

What a great show of cooperation to keep these dogs from being euthanized!

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!