Tag Archives: adoptable dogs

Find Your Tax Deduction Here

Kip & Celidh
Looking for a place to contribute some of your money to before year’s end? Why not write out a check today to Pets for Patriots.

Pets for Patriots provides a second chance for shelter animals by matching them with service members (active and retired) who want to add a member to their families. This organization tugs at my heartstrings in two places: veterans and dogs.

To date, Pets for Patriots has assisted in 62 adoptions, such as this one:

Kip is a member of the Indiana Air National Guard who was devastated at the death of a beloved pet. After a period of mourning, Kip and his wife visited the shelter, where the dog that captured their hearts was terrified of people. She cowered in her kennel and was poorly socialized, but Kip was not deterred.

“We knew right then that this was a dog that needed our love and attention.”

As much as Céilidh needed Kip, he needed her, too. He now says of her, “She lights up my life.”

Lower your tax burden by contributing to this worthy cause today.

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!

Shelter Sunday: Tails of Hope Sanctuary / Mt. Airy, MD

Meet Sylvia!  I had to choose her for our Shelter Sunday feature this week because she looks so cute in her Christmas ribbon.  She is currently living in foster care with the Tails of Hope Sanctuary in Mt. Airy, MD.  Here’s what their website has to say about this adorable Chihuahua.

Continue reading Shelter Sunday: Tails of Hope Sanctuary / Mt. Airy, MD