Tag Archives: animal cruelty

Obama Aide Takes Gibe at Romney Over Dog Car Roof Incident

Axelrod Obama BoTweet
Screenshot of Axelrod's tweet taking a dig at Mitt Romney.

Senior Obama strategist David Axelrod took aim at Mitt Romney over the incident where Romney strapped his dog to the car roof on 12-hour drive.

Axelrod tweeted a photo of Obama riding with Bo in the back of his armored limousine with the caption “How loving owners transport their dogs.”  Clearly this was meant as a dig at Romney, and probably a well-deserved one considering the act of cruelty where Romney somehow thought it was a good idea to strap his dog’s kennel, with the dog inside, to the roof of his car for an entire 12-hour drive.

The tweet’s timing coincided with the launch of a Facebook page called Pet Lovers for Obama‘ – where pet owners are encouraged to upload photos of their pets wearing Obama 2012 gear. 

You can see the original Axelrod tweet here.

I hate to get political, but…

Have you seen this story about Mitt Romney yet?  I usually don’t bring up too much about politics here, but really, this is just plain stupid, no matter who you plan to vote for. Apparently, Romney tied his dog’s crate to the roof of the family car for a 12-hour road trip. The poor dog must have been scared to death!

I have one question for you, Governor: If the crate was totally air-tight, how did Seamus breathe?

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!

Real Men are Nice to Animals


If you live or travel in Baltimore, you may have seen the billboards and other ads for the new Show Your Soft Side animal care campaign.  Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake started an Anti-Animal Abuse Advisory Commission  in July, 2009, headed by Executive Assistant Elizabeth Koontz, with the goal eradicating animal abuse in the city of Baltimore.

Pictured here is Qadry Ismail, one of several professional athletes from the Ravens, Orioles, and Harlem Globetrotters who have agreed to be photographed with their animals to show young men that a compassionate heart is the hallmark of a true man.

Leo Howard Lubow took the pictures for the ads, which are also displayed on the group’s Facebook page. Members of the public are also requested to post photos of their “soft side.”

What a great idea!

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

A New Kind of Animal Cruelty

OK, this story wins the award for the grossest one I’ve seen. From Beaufort, SC: Deputies and animal control officers received an anonymous tip to check out a storage building belonging to Gina Marie Alfano, 43, and Kevin John Diers, 52. You’ll never guess what they found, but think about how the Dixie Chicks disposed of the body in their song “Goodbye Earl”.
Continue reading A New Kind of Animal Cruelty

Stand up for dog rights!

I have often wondered if, faced with dire consequences, I would choose to do the right thing. A big wag of the doggies.com tail to Lynn Jones, a Reno-Tahoe Airport baggage handler who lost her job because she wouldn’t risk a dog’s life to follow her supervisor’s orders. (And a big mean doggies.com growl to the supervisor who fired her.)
Continue reading Stand up for dog rights!