Ya’ know how sometimes when you’re driving, you end up someplace and wonder how you got there? Or you drive past the daycare and have to go back to drop off your kid because you forgot she was in the backseat? How about this story from South Burlington, VT?
I received this horrific e-mail from my friend and fellow animal lover, Pam Amantangelo, today. I hesitate to post such stories because they seem so surreal that I never know whether or not they are true. So, here’s my disclaimer. This does not appear on snopes.com, either as a true story or as a false one. However, the lady listed as collecting signatures does indeed exist, as confirmed by a websearch of employees at the University of Cape Town, where her e-mail address originates. Anyways, here is the story. Please contact Ms. Faulman if you need further details.
The BBC is reporting a 34% increase in dog cruelty, but says a new law enacted in 2007 may be the reason. Actual cases of animal cruelty may not be increasing, but the law laid out minimum requirements for the care of a pet, taking the guesswork out of the equation.