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Are any of you able to find TP online yet? It’s still a struggle here, even when ordering from a store for pick-up (which I am still doing because I’m diabetic and don’t want to interact with too many people.) I’d have to kill my dogs if they did this! Which is why I keep it all put up in the cupboard.
Dogs in the UK are being taught to identify possible carriers of the coronavirus by the odor given off by the virus particles. Could be a great advancement in the US since we cannot get the test kits fast enough.
Could be a guilt trip. Could be the dog is in timeout because with working from home, we now know how rotten our dogs can be. They can no longer blame the damage on the cat.
Is anyone missing going into work or school yet? I always work from home, so it’s not a big change for me now, but in the beginning it was definitely an adjustment!