It seems I’m focusing quite a bit on death this week, but I’d like to know your opinion on the Rainbow Bridge idea. It’s a sweet, helpful grief recovery mechanism for many people, I’m sure. I’d like to believe my pets who have passed on will be there waiting. What about you?
It’s a little early in the year for this, but unfortunately, it has happened again: someone left a dog in the car, and the poor animal died from the heat. Really? This still happens? Even after all of the publicity that results each time this happens? Continue reading On my soapbox again about dogs left in hot cars→
Many people who have experienced the death of a pet speak of their having crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Here’s a song and video about that infamous bridge.
Both author Barbara Walsh and artist Jamie Wyeth said the story needed to be told because, as Walsh put it, "There's nothing else like this out there." Photo: ASSOCIATED PRESS, Robert F. Bukaty / AP
Have you ever had to deal with the grief of losing a beloved pet? No one wants to go through this, but if you have pets long enough, you will eventually deal with their loss. As hard as it is for us as adults, think about how much more difficult it would be to process the loss as a child. To address this concern, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Barbara Walsh has written “Sammy in the Sky” to help parents help their children through the death of a pet.