Even though the WKC show has been moved to the summer, this is normally the week we celebrate the grandaddy of all dog shows. In honor of this week, the Westminster Kennel Club is offering some online events. You can check out the ever-changing schedule here, but below is what is scheduled so far. Continue reading Westminster Celebration Week→
All the posts this week about the AKC National Championships generated quite a bit of interest from you blog faithful. Just wondering…what’s your favorite event?
Everything you need to know about the 2021 Westminster Kennel Club dog show is just an app away. The WKC APP is your new go to for year-round dog content with important updates concerning the 2021 show, Road to WKC video series, archive videos, special features, and more. Continue reading All The Westminster News You Need to Know→
Three newly AKC-recognized breeds will join the 208 eligible breeds at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in 2021.
BigStockPhoto The archetype water dog of France, the Barbet is a joyful, bright, and loyal companion. A rustic breed with roots as far back at the 16th century, this medium-sized dog locates, flushes, and retrieves birds. The Barbet will join the Sporting Group. Continue reading New Breeds Announced for Westminster 2021→
It must be “write about dog shows” day. Just after my earlier post, I received this in my in-box from the American Kennel Club.
We are excited to announce that in its 17th year, the AKC National Championship presented by Royal Canin has again drawn the largest entry in the history of the event! Dogs from 50 States and 44 Countries will compete for Best in Show this December. 4,803 dogs are entered this year with more than 1,200 puppies entered to compete in the all-new inaugural AKC/Royal Canin National All-Breed Puppy and Junior Stakes.
If your celebration is winding down and you’re looking for something to do for the rest of the evening, FS1 is running several “Best of” compilations from Westminster shows of the past. 2015 is on now, with 2016 starting at 7:30. Sorry I didn’t give you a heads up. I just found out.
The huge dog show known as the AKC National Championship presented by Royal Canin is coming up this weekend (December 17 – 18) in Orlando, Florida. The event actually runs all of this week with lots of preliminary rounds and exhibitors starting on December 13th. Yes, there is a conformation show, including 209 different breeds, as well as a Junior Handling Competition. I’ll bring you more information on those tomorrow. But what I want to talk about today is the stuff that goes on outside of the all-breed show rings. Continue reading 2016 National Championships By The Numbers→