Perhaps it was inevitable, but now there is a DogWithSign, as pictured above. Worth the follow.
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!
Perhaps it was inevitable, but now there is a DogWithSign, as pictured above. Worth the follow.
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!
Are you an Instagrammer? If so, #AKCPuppypack from @AmericanKennelClub may be something you’d like to follow. The AKC just announced they will be chronicling the lives of seven puppies (one from each breed group) on Insta. Here’s what they’ve shared with me about it: Continue reading AKC Puppy Pack
What do you do when you have both a toddler and a 7-week old puppy? And a blog to write? Jessica Shyba of Santa Cruz, California found a way to deal. The family had been looking for a new puppy since last Christmas when their young children asked Santa for one.