Tag Archives: legislation

Ohio Puppy Mill Reforms

Picture from HSUS A Humane Nation blog
Picture from HSUS A Humane Nation blog
I’m proud that my home state of Ohio has put into effect a new law upgrading standards of care for dogs kept in puppy mills. Our history in this area has not been great, with many commercial breeders keeping their dogs in filthy, horrible conditions. Ohio was ranked second in the nation as having the worst puppy mill problem. Continue reading Ohio Puppy Mill Reforms

Health Care Reform / A Bailout for Your Dog

USA Today is reporting that Representative Thaddeus McCotter, a Republican from Michigan, has proposed a bill which would allow people to deduct up to $3,500 per year on their taxes for expenses related to pet health care.  From reading the bill, it sounds as if you can deduct not only vet care, but also food, accessories, and supplies.

Known as The Happy (Humanity And Pets Partnered through the Years) Act, the bill is now being debated in the House Committee on Ways and Means.  The goal of the bill is to encourage responsible pet care and reduce the abandonment of pets which has skyrocketed during the current recession.

Citing research from the American Pet Products Association’s National Pet Owners Survey, the bill states that 63% of us have pets in the household.  The bill also makes note of the positive effects the human-animal bond has on our emotional and physical well being.

Support the bill by calling or writing your Congressman and asking him to vote for house bill HR3501.  You can find contact information for elected officials by entering your zip code here.

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

Washington State Puppy Mill Legislation

We had a comment on the blog last week about State Senate bill 5661 in Washington.  The commenter, Dave, was against the bill because of the cost it would impose on breeders who own more than 10 adult dogs.  Dave also states that “they” are trying to make it federal law, so it could potentially affect breeders everywhere in the States.  Whether or not that last part is true, it is an interesting topic for debate.

Continue reading Washington State Puppy Mill Legislation