Whether you call it Veterans Day or Remembrance Day, all of us at doggies.com and breeders.net want to express our deep appreciation to all who have served or are serving, whether you have two legs or four.
Until next time,
Good day. and good dog!
From the SEAL of Honor Facebook page, captioned, “When America says jump.”
I always thought they were strapped to the handler, but this one looks like he’s on his own!
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!
A collection of photos honoring our K-9 military heroes. (And doesn’t the last one remind you of Arte Johnson’s sentry character on Laugh-in? Verrrrrry Interesting!)
It seems like this clip from ABC News got kind of cut off in the middle – it’s very short, but Mother Nature Network provided some more details about these amazing dogs.
Continue reading Navy SEAL Dogs
In honor of those who have fallen, we present this YouTube salute to military working dogs and their handlers.
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!
I can’t think of any better way to say “Thank You” to them all, can you?
Please visit MilitaryWorkingDogAdoptions.com to find out more about adding one of these K9 Heroes to your family. It is estimated that a MWD saves an average of 3-5 soldiers lives A DAY and an estimated 150 lives throughout their careers. Thank a hero, thank a four legged veteran.
In the US it’s Veteran’s Day Weekend. In Canada, it’s Remembrance Day Weekend. Most of us have some tie that makes us reflect, if even for a moment.
We all know “working dogs” truly love a perfectly executed assignment if only to see a smile on their master. It’s rewarding for them.
We brought you a great video from Military.com about soldiers befriending dogs overseas. Now here’s a special look at the dogs who are working side by side, and actual members of our armed forces.
New York Times Best Selling Author Lisa Rogak has captured the excitement of working dogs in her new book The Dogs of War. It’s an inside look into a very elite, working and special class of dogs.
Touching video from Military.com about “strays” befriended by soldiers in Afghanistan.
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!