Tag Archives: puppy pictures
Nap-time Buddies
What do you do when you have both a toddler and a 7-week old puppy? And a blog to write? Jessica Shyba of Santa Cruz, California found a way to deal. The family had been looking for a new puppy since last Christmas when their young children asked Santa for one.
Friday Funny: Needs Caption
Puppy Pictures on Demand

I used to work in a hospital, and whenever the sadness of dealing with the ill and dying got to me, I’d go up to the maternity ward and stare at the newborns for awhile. It provided a good lift for the soul.
The people at Method have now provided the same lift for those of us who seek solace in puppies. Product strategist Ritik Dholakia teamed up with designer Khoi Uong to develop an app that “would automatically send puppy photos whenever [you want them].” It also has a gallery of photos you can browse through anytime.
Puppytime costs just 99-cents to download and sends you three pix a day at the times of your choosing.
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!
Tuesday Top Ten: Cute Puppy Pics (Part 3)
This is the third and final part of the series of cute puppy pictures my brother sent to me. Dare you not to smile! Enjoy!
Top Ten Tuesday: Cute Puppy Pics (Part 1)
This week, I’m starting the first of three in a series of pictorial top ten lists, with special thanks to my brother Jim for sending this adorable collection. Where the source of the photos is known, it is indicated. Take a minute out to enjoy and smile!
More Cute Yorkie-Schon Pix
You asked – we delivered. More pictures of my niece’s Yorkie-Schon litter (designer cross between a Yorkie and a Bischon Frise). You can really start to see the Bichon in them now that they are getting a little older (6 weeks as of tomorrow). And, if you don’t mind my saying so, isn’t Allison quite the creative photographer?