Tag Archives: Tigers

“Are You My Mother?” said the tiger to the dog.


I know this has happened before, but it still amazes me.  At the zoo in Qingdao, China, a baby Siberian tiger was abandoned by its mother.  It wasn’t long before a dog stepped in to nurse the tiger and act as its mother.  Don’t you just love the picture?  I think the tiger looks like a Shar-pei.  I’m sure they’re really stripes, but they look like wrinkles.

Check out People Pet’s photo gallery of other surrogate moms.  Dare you not to say “Awwwwww…” at least once!

Until next time,

Good day, and good dog!

Dog Nurses Tiger Triplets in China!

The Associated Press reports that newborn tiger triplets in eastern China are being nursed by a dog after their mother rejected them.

Officials at the Jinan Paomaling Wild Animal World in Shandong province are calling the cubs “One,” “Two” and “Three.”

They have been nursed by a dog since they were rejected by their mother shortly after birth 10 days ago, said Paomaling manager Chen Yucai.
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