Tag Archives: veterans

Reunited and it feels so good!

From the ABC affiliate in Chicago…Army Sergeant Jason Bos welcomes home Clia upon her retirement from military service. I’m not sure who’s more excited – Clia or Jason!

Welcome home, Clia! And thanks to both of you for your service!

Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!

How NOT to say “Welcome home and thank you for your service”

When Jared Goering came home after one tour in Iraq and two tours in Afghanistan, he had a little trouble getting around because two vehicles had been blown up under him by IED’s. He was also a little shaky emotionally, as you might guess. He wasn’t asking for much, just a nice walk on the North Wildwood Boardwalk with his wife and his service dog, Gator.
Continue reading How NOT to say “Welcome home and thank you for your service”

The Psychiatrist is In: 5-cents

OK, since it is now Wednesday, I thought it would be a good time to follow up on Monday’s post about a dog named Tuesday.  I stumbled across this article from the Wall Street Journal while I was looking for something else.  If you watched the third video attached to Monday’s post, you learned a bit about Tuesday, a dog who helps veteran Luis Carlos Montalvan deal with severe PTSD.  Here’s “The Rest of the Story.”

Continue reading The Psychiatrist is In: 5-cents