Today is Take Your Dog to Work Day! I know – I should have told you ahead of time, but I just realized it myself. I hope you celebrated appropriately. And if you work nights, please take your dog with you!
The U.S. imports 80-90% of its bomb- sniffing dogs from overseas breeders. Increasing demand and a shortage of dogs places U.S. national security in unnecessary jeopardy. HR 4577 creates a path forward to improve standards and capacity for explosives detection dogs and encourages domestic breeding programs. Please contact your Senators now and ask them to urge Senate leadership to advance HR 4577. See below for more information. Continue reading Should Detection Dogs Used by the Government Come from Domestic or Foreign Breeders?→
Select winners from the Working Dog Best in Breed competition today.
The Tibetan Mastiff, Dawa’s Primo Argento Gomez At TiemsThe Siberian Husky, Snowfire’s Holy MosesThe Newfoundland, Darbydale’s The Journey ContinuesThe Mastiff, Goldleaf’s Trouble ComingThe Great Dane, Divine Acres Ring LeaderThe Dogue de Bordeaux, I Am Humphrey Bogart De La Tour GeleeThe Boxer, Mephisto’s Speak of the DevilThe Bullmastiff, Dal Primo’s Seventh Samurai
Australian Shepherd
The Australian Shepherd lives for his job, which still involves herding livestock and working as an all-purpose farm and ranch dog. He needs a lot of activity and a sense of purpose to be truly content. Due to the breed’s intelligence and versatility, “Aussies” also excel in AKC events such as agility, obedience and herding. Continue reading Tuesday Top Ten: Breeds That Love to Work→
Since 1999, the United States has had a law on the books called the Federal Law Enforcement Animal Protection Act, which specifies a minimum fine of $1,000 and a maximum of 10 years in prison for anyone who is convicted of purposefully harming a K-9 Law Enforcement Officer. Canada now has its own law protecting their K-9s. Continue reading Canada Joins US in Protecting Law Enforcement Dogs→
I posted an article yesterday on the value of therapy animals. Have you ever been lucky enough to have a dog (or other animal) come visit you when you were in need?
Happy Labor Day to all the working dogs out there.
Whether you spend your days keeping us safe, fighting our wars, providing therapy, bringing in the herd, retrieving prey, or just making us feel better as a companion, we appreciate your hard work!
Until next time,
Good day, and good dog!
All Dog, all the time! News, photos, reviews, guides and more.